Tentang Zeuspegel Cloud

Zeuspegel Cloud menyediakan layanan hosting server luar terbaik untuk kebutuhan bisnis Anda, dengan keandalan dan keamanan yang terjamin.

A network server rack filled with neatly organized cables. There are numerous black and red ethernet cables bundled together using cable ties. A keyboard and computer are placed at the bottom of the rack, with various networking equipment above them, showing multiple ports and blinking green lights indicating active connections.
A network server rack filled with neatly organized cables. There are numerous black and red ethernet cables bundled together using cable ties. A keyboard and computer are placed at the bottom of the rack, with various networking equipment above them, showing multiple ports and blinking green lights indicating active connections.



Kualitas Terpercaya

Layanan Unggul

Lokasi Server

Kami menyediakan jasa hosting server luar dengan lokasi yang strategis untuk memastikan performa optimal dan kestabilan layanan bagi bisnis Anda.


Jalan Hosting No. 88


Senin - Jumat

gray computer monitor

Hubungi Kami

Kami siap membantu Anda dengan layanan hosting server luar.